Bringing the State back in

Bringing the State back in - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1986 - x, 390 p.

Introduction bringing the state back in: strategies of analysis in current reserch - Theda Skocpol Part I: states as promoters of economic development and social redistribution The state and economic transformation: toward an analysis of the conditions underlying effective intervention - Dietrich Rueschemeyer and Peterr B. Evans The state and Taiwan; s economic development - Alice H. Amsden State structures and the possibilities for "keynesian" responses to the great depression in Sweden, Britain, and the United States - Margaret Weir and Theda Skocpol Part II: states transnational relation War making and state making as organized crime - Charles Tilly Transnational linkages and the economic role of the state: an analysis of developing and industrialized nations in the post-world war II period - Peter B. Evans Small nations in an open international economy: the converging balance of state and society in Swirtzerland and Austria - Peter Kartzenstein Part III: states and the patterning of social conflicts Working-class formation and the state: nineteenth-century England in american perspective - Ira Katznelson Hegemony and religous conflict: british imperial control and political cleavages in Yorubaland - David D. Laitin State power and the strength of civil society in the southern cone of latin america - Alfred Stepan Conclusion On the road toward a more adequate understanding of the state - Peter B. Evans, Dietrich Rueschemeyer, and Theda Skocpol


Centro de Documentación e Información - Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires

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