Ethnic minorities and power

Ethnic minorities and power - Helsinki : Fonda, 2001 - 195 p.

Foreword / Bo Lönqvist, Pasi Hannonen -- PART I : FINNISH PERSPECTIVES - Multilingualism in the Banat : elite and everyday language ideoligies / Petteri Laihonen -- Broken chains : German and Hungarian conceptions of history and ethnic relations in the Romanian Banat / Pasi Hannonen -- Subsitence : "The Political Circus" and cultural revivalism : a survey of the contemporary political culture of the Hungarian Minority in the Romainan Banat / Anssi Halmesvirta -- Political power and the shaping of the Concept of culture / Bo Lönnqvist - PART II : HUNGARIAN PERSPECTIVES - A search for stability : religion as a Shelter and the symbolic manifestaton of identity / Gábor Barna -- The Banat in the light of hsitorical -statistical data : the adminstrative economic and history of the region / Bernadett Békési, Bernadett Kiss, Erika Anna Makovics -- The administration of the Banat / Bernardett Békési -- An outline of the economy of the Banat / Bernardette Kiss -- A brief overview of the etnic and denominational situation in the Banat Region / Erika Anna Makovics -- Religion and mother tonge : shelter and stability / Erzsébet Arnold -- Remembering and rememberance : the quantitative analysis of the votive picture gallery in Radna / Zsuzsánna Péter, Erika Vass -- Discourses from the Banat : lives, remeberance, communication / Helga Jaksa, Bertalan Pusztai


Centro de Documentación e Información - Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Pte J. E. Uriburu 950, 6to piso - (C1114AAD) / Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires / Argentina /
Horario de atención: De lunes a viernes de 10 a 20 y (escriba a las dos cuentas en simultáneo)