Turning Points : Historical and Sociological Essays on the Family

Turning Points : Historical and Sociological Essays on the Family - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 1978 - 413 p.

Suplemento de American Journal of Sociology (1978) Vol. 84

Front Matter -- Foreword / Matilda White Riley -- Preface / John Demos and Sarane Spence Boocock -- Sociology: Introduction and Overview -- Approaches to Social Change and the Family / Glen H. Elder Jr. -- History: Transitions to and from the Family -- From Apron Strings to ABCs: Parents, Children, and Schooling in Nineteenth-Century Massachusetts / Carl F. Kaestle and Maris A. Vinovskis -- Youth and Early Industrialization in a Canadian City / Michael B. Katz and Ian E. Davey -- The Timing of Marriage in the Transition to Adulthood: Continuity and Change, 1860-1975 / John Modell, Frank F. Furstenberg Jr. and Douglas Strong -- The Dynamics of Kin in an Industrial / Tamara K. Hareven -- History: Norms and Adaptations in Family Life -- Curing the Disease of Precocity / Joseph F. Kett -- Sex as Symbol in Victorian Purity: An Ethnohistorical Analysis of Jacksonian America / Carroll Smith-Rosenberg -- Old Age in Early New England / John Demos -- Sociology: Commentaries and Criticism -- The Historical Triangulation of Family, Economy, and Education / Neil J. Smelser and Sydney Halpern -- Families, Family Processes, and Economic Life: Toward Systematic Analysis of Social Historical Research / Rosabeth Moss Kanter -- Age Stratification and the Changing Family / Anne Foner -- Historical and Sociological Research on the Family and the Life Cycle: Methodological Alternatives / Sarane Spence Boocock


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