Demography and Poverty : based on the seminar organized by the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), the United Nations International child Development Centre (UNICEF) and the University of Florence

Demography and Poverty : based on the seminar organized by the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), the United Nations International child Development Centre (UNICEF) and the University of Florence - Bélgica : Ordina Editions, 1995? - circa400? p.

IUSSP: International union for the scientific study of population

UNICEF: Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia

SECTION I : GENERAL ISSUES - Introduction / Massimo Livi-Bacci -- Population and poverty : Sudhir Anand, Jonathan Morduch -- SECTION II : POPULATION CHANGE AND POVERTY : LONG TERM ISSUES - Rapid urbanization and the Urban Envirment / David Satterthwaite -- SECTION III : POPULATION CHANGE AND POVERTY : RESOURCES AND ENVIROMENT - The "Second India" revisited : population growth, poverty and environment over two decades / Roberto Repetto -- Population and poverty . how to do they interact? / Michael Lipton -- SECTION IV : DEMOGRAPHIC BEHAVIOUR AND POVERTY : FERTILITY - The social implications of adolescent fertility / Anastasia Gage -- High fertility adn short birth intervals : the poverty consequences of family building patterns / Patricia David - SECTION V DEMOGRAPHIC BAHAVIOUR AND POVERTY - Household structure and poverty : what are the connections? / Cynthia Lloyd -- Family dinamics and urban poverty / Stan D'Souza -- Poverty and AIDS : the vicius circle / Alaka Malwade Basu -- Famine demography and endemic poverty / Siddiq Osmani -- SECTION VII : COPING WITH POVERTY DEMOGRAPHIC OUTCOMES - Coping with poverty : the bilogical impact of nutrition insecurity / Anna Ferro-Luzzi, Franchesco -- The demographic impact of Sudden Impoverishment : easter Europe during the 1989-94 transition / Giovanni Andrea Cornia, Rentato Paniccia -- CONTRIBUTED PAPERS - The precarious socio-economic position of woman in rural Africa : the case of the Kaguru of Tanzania / Jeffrey Meeker, Dominique Meekers -- INNOCENTI LECTURE - Mortality as an indicator of Economic success and failure / Amartya Sen


Centro de Documentación e Información - Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Pte J. E. Uriburu 950, 6to piso - (C1114AAD) / Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires / Argentina /
Horario de atención: De lunes a viernes de 10 a 20 y (escriba a las dos cuentas en simultáneo)