Demography of the family = Demographie de la famille

Demography of the family = Demographie de la famille - Paris : CICRED, 1984 - 202 p.

Project n°2: final report = Projet n°2 : rapport final Libro bilingüe.

FOREWORD / Jean Bourgeois-Pichat -- First section : simulation models – Introduction -- Synthesis report / William B. Brass --
Summaries of documents -- Simulation of the family life cycle / John Bongaarts -- Simulation of family formation / Ursula D. Fuller -- Simulation of life cycle and family ties / Hervé Le Bras -- A household Micro-Simulation model for health and
welfare administration / Kyo Hanada -- Second section : transition probabilities – Introduction – Synthesis report / Helnmut Musham -- The transition probabilities in the demography of the family -- SUMMARIES OF DOCUMENTS -- Report on
the activities of the Federal institute of population research : concerning the demography of the family / Charlotte Höhn -- Family structure and family life cycle : an application to the families from Quebec / Yves Peron, Evelyne Lapierre-Adamcyk -- Civil Registration and Censuses / Patrick Festy, J.-L.Rallu -- Third section : censuses and surveys – Introduction -- Synthesis report / Louis Roussel -- Utilisation des recensements et des enquêtes dans la démographie de la famille (pays industrialisės) -- Summaries of documents : comparative and historical headship patterns / Thomas K. Burch -- Contribution of the population and Family Study Centre, Brussels, Belgium / R.-L. Cliqued -- Research undertaken on the denography of the family / Daniel Courgeau -- Report on work on the demography of the family / Ursula D. Fuller -- Simulation of family formation -- The leaving home behaviour of young adults -- Report on activities of the federal Institute of population research -- Concerning the demography of the family / Charlotte Höhn -- Household statistics -- Transition probabilities -- Critique of the family life cycle concept -- Research activities relative to the demography of the family / Gwendolyn Johnson-Acsadi -- Family structure and patterns of young mothers 's behaviour towards : professional work / Adam Kurzynowski -- Some main characteristics of the family situation in Hungary / Marietta Pongracz -- One-Person houselolds : a complex analysis / Louis Roussed -- Definitions used for the descriptions of households and families in the population censuses of France since 1954 / Michel de Sapoulin -- Beyond the nuclear Family / Richard Wall -- Fourth section : third world countries – Introduction -- Synthesis report / Patrice Vimard -- La démographie de la famille dans le Tiers monde -- Summaries of documents -- Famille et démographie / B. Lacombe, F. Sodter, P. Vimard -- La taille des ménages en Afrique / M. Garenne -- Famille et démographie de la famille en Afrique / M.-E. Gruenais -- Ménage et réseau social : le quartier Zongo de Lome, Togo / M. Agier -- Entre la chair et' os : la famille / B. Hours -- L'éclatement de la famille africaine : religions et migrations, dot et polygamie / J. Trincaz, P. Trincaz -- Analyse de la famille dans une population pastorale : les Toubou / C. Baroin -- Famille et résidence dans les villages de la pointe de Sangomar, Saloum, Sénégal / B. Lacombe -- Structures des ménages dans des populations rurales du Sud-Togo / D. Benoit, P. Levy, P. Vimard -- Note sur la famille et le ménage / B. Lacombe -- Variation du nombre moyen de résidents par unité d'habitation familiale de quelques populations du Nord-Cameroun / A.-M. Podlewski -- La famille en Polynésie française / F. Sodter -- Various approaches of the family in the mexican study : y demographic changes in some agricultural mexican backgrounds / S. Lerner, A. Quesned -- The algerian family : present situation and future trends / R. Benkheli -- Some projections in urban and rural strata in république populaire du Congo / Joseph N'goma -- Study of the relationship between fertility behaviour and size, structure and function of family / Escap -- Additional research on the demography of the family / R.


Centro de Documentación e Información - Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires

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