Essays in the economics of socialism and capitalism : selected papers read to Section F of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1886-1932.

Smyth, Robert Leslie.

Essays in the economics of socialism and capitalism : selected papers read to Section F of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1886-1932. - Londres : Duckworth, 1964 - 351 p.

Preface / R.L. Smyth -- Introduction / T. Wilson -- Economic socialism (1886) / Henry Sidgwick -- Transition to social democracy (1888) / G. Bernard Shaw -- On the relation between wages and the remainder of the economic product (1889) / Sidney Webb -- Growth of monopoly, and its bearing on the functions of the state (1888) / H.F. Foxwell -- Some aspects of competition (1890) / Alfred Marshall -- Periodicity of commercial crises, and its physical explanation (1878) / W. Stanley Jevons -- Recent rate of material progress in England (1887) / Robert Giffen -- Europe after the Great Wars, 1816 and 1920 (1920) / Sir John Clapham -- Instability of capitalism (1927) / Joseph Schumpeter -- Increasing returns and economic progress (1928) / Allyn A. Young -- Population and unemployment (1923) / Sir William Beveridge -- Reply to Sir William Beveridge (1923) / John Maynard Keynes -- Mr. Keynes' evidence for over-population (1924) / Sir William Beveridge
Rationalization and technology unemployment (1930) / T.E. Gregory -- World inflation (1932) / J.R. Bellerby


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