The World-system of capitalism : past and present. Volume 2. Political Economy of the World System Annuals

The World-system of capitalism : past and present. Volume 2. Political Economy of the World System Annuals - Beverly Hills : Sage Publications, 1979. - 312 p.

Preface / Walter L. Golderank – Introduction : Bringing history Back In / Walter L. Goldfrank -- PART 1 : ISSUES IN THEORY AND METHOD -- The Study of the Capitalist World-Economy : some Introductory Considerations / Terence K. Hopkins -- China's World-System : Social Theory and Political Practice in the 1970s / Edwin A. Winckler -- PART 2 : THE DEVELOPING CORE IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY -- Underdevelopment and Phase-B : Effect of the Seventeenth-Century Stagnation on Core and Periphery of the European World-Economy / Immanuel Wallerstein -- Absolutism in Crisis : The English Civil War and the Fronde / Michael S. Kimmel -- PART 3 : THE DEVELOPING CORE IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY -- The Position of Eastern European Immigrants to the United States in the Cultural Divisionl of Labor : Some Trends ad Prospects / Michael Hecter -- Frustrated Apartheid : Race, Repression, and Capitalist Agriculture in South Texas, 1920-1930 / David Montejano -- PART 4 : INCORPORATION AND RESISTANCE IN THE PERIPHERY -- The Peripheralization of China : Notes on the Opium Connection / Dilip K. Basu -- Islam and Resist ance in Northern Nigeria / Paul Lubeck -- Labor in the Emergent Periphery : From Slavery to Migrant Labor among the Baule Peoples, 1880-1925 / Timothy C. Weiskel -- PART 5 : CLASS STRUGGLES IN THE TWENTIETH-CENTURY PERIPHERY -- Withdrawing from the World-System : Self-Reliance and Class Structure in China / Richard Curt Kraus -- Contradictions of Semi-Peripheral Development : The South African Case / Ruth Milkman -- The Rubber Plantations of Colonial lndochina : The Colonial State and the Class Struggle between Wage-Labor and Capital, 1910 1940 / Martin J. Murray


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