Class structure in the social consciousness.

Ossowski, Stanislaw

Class structure in the social consciousness. - New York : The Free Press, 1963. - 202 p.

Contenido: I. Introduction -- Part One: From Biblical Legends to Contemporary Sociology -- II. Dichotomic Conceptions of Class-Structure-One Group Set Over Another -- III. The Scheme of Graduation -- IV. Functional Conceptions -- V. The Marxian Synthesis -- VI. The Class-Hierarchy and the Social-Status Continuum -- VII. Non-Egalitarian Classlessness- Similarities in Interpreting Mutually Opposed Systems -- Part Two: Conceptual Constructs and Social Reality -- VIII. The Three-fold Denotation of the Term 'Social Class' -- IX. The Concepts of Social Class: A Common Model and Discrepant Definitions --X. Types of Interpretation of the Social Structure-An Attempt at Classification -- XI. Semantic Conventions Considered as Social Facts -- XVII. Interpretations of Class Structure in Historical Perspective.


Centro de Documentación e Información - Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires

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