The future of anthropological knowledge.

The future of anthropological knowledge. - 1a ed. - London : Routledge, 1996. - 179 p. - The Uses of Knowledge : Global and Local Relations .

Colección Aníbal Ford.

1. The changing nature of anthropological knowledge: an introduction / Henrietta L. Moore
2. Interpreting electron micrographs / Emily Martin
3. Globalization and localization: new challenges to rural research / Norman Long
4. Anthropology, China and modernities: the geopolitics of cultural knowledge / Aihwa Ong
5. Tradition, travelling theory, anthropology and the discourse of modernity in China / Mayfair Yang
6. Anthropology without tears: how a 'local' sees the 'local' and the 'global' / Wazir Jahan Karim
7. Chimpanzees, diamonds and war: the discourses of global environmental change and local violence on the Liberia-Sierra Leone border / Paul Richards
Afterword / Peter Harries-Jones


Centro de Documentación e Información - Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires

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