The practice of cultural analysis :

The practice of cultural analysis : exposing interdisciplinary interpretation - California : Stanford University Press, 1999. - 392 p. - Cultural memory in the present. .

Introduction / Mieke Bal - Prelude: Dia-logic - A Dialogue in Images Between Edwin Janssen and Janneke Lam / Janneke Lam - PT. I. - DON'T LOOK NOW: VISUAL MEMORY IN THE PRESENT. The Finishing Touch / Evelyn Fox Keller. -- Vermeer's Women: Shifting Paradigms in Midcareer / Nanette Salomon. -- "Le cinema d'apres Lumiere": Rereading the "Origins" of the Filmic Image / Thomas Elsaesser. -- Killing Men and Dying Women: Gesture and Sexual Difference / Griselda Pollock. -- Imagining the 'Shtetl': Visual Theories of Nationhood / Carol Zemel. -- The Veils of Time: On the Historical Dimension in Cultural Analysis / Stephen Bann - PT. II. - CLOSE-UPS AND MIRRORS: THE RETURN OF CLOSE READING, WITH A DIFFERENCE. Venice and the Violence of Location / Helga Geyer-Ryan. -- Affective Reading: Loss of Self in Djuna Barnes's 'Nightwood' / Ernst van Alphen. -- History and/as Cultural Analysis: Gibbon and Ovid / Frank R. Ankersmit. -- "Is This Naomi?": Misreading, Gender Blurring, and the Biblical Story of Ruth / J. Cheryl Exum. -- Three Local Cases of Cross-Atlantic Reading: A Discussion on Space and Identity / Isabel Hoving. -- Variety & Standard / Siegfried Zielinski - PT. III. - METHOD MATTERS: REFLECTIONS ON THE IDENTITY OF CULTURAL ANALYSIS. Culture and Critique / Johannes Fabian. -- Cultural Variety and Metaphysical Unity / Louis Dupre. -- Desire, Distance, and Insight / Theo de Boer. -- Cultural Analysis and the Ghost of 'Geistesgeschichte' / John Neubauer. -- The Techno-University and the Future of Knowledge: Thoughts After Lyotard / Jon Cook -- Double Afterwords. Why Interdisciplinarity Isn't Enough / William P. Germano. -- What Is Cultural Studies? / Jonathan Culler


Centro de Documentación e Información - Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires

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