Exploring the written :

Archetti, Eduardo

Exploring the written : anthropology and the multiplicity of writing - Oslo : Scandinavian University Press, 1994 - 342 p. - Oslo studies in social anthropology .

Oral culture, media culture, and the Islamic resurgence in Turkey / Michael E. Meeker --
The authority of a text: Mexico through the words of others / Marit Melhuus --
Models of masculinity in the poetics of the Argentinian tango / Eduardo P. Archetti --
Constructions of self and society in autobiographical accounts: a Scandinavian life story / Marianne Gullestad --
The author as anthropologist: some West Indian lessons about the relevance of fiction for anthropology / Thomas Hylland Eriksen --
Maui, the trickster god --
a possible role model for living in a fictionalized world / Ingjerd Hoëm --
Tarzan and the lost races / Alan Barnard --
On the margin: letter exchange among Andean non-literates / Sarah Lund Skar --
Legal texts and historical interpretation: an Andean ethnography of reading / Joanne Rappaport --
The moulding of identity in South Pacific poetry and prose. The mode of mimesis: a new way of addressing the issue in Fiji / Solrun Williksen-Bakker --
"Reading culture" / Signe Howell.


Centro de Documentación e Información - Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Pte J. E. Uriburu 950, 6to piso - (C1114AAD) / Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires / Argentina /
Horario de atención: De lunes a viernes de 10 a 20

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