Fatherhood :

Fatherhood : contemporary theory, research, and social policy - Thousand Oaks : Sage, 1995 - 320 p.

Foreword - Michael S Kimmel PART ONE: OVERVIEW OF FATHERHOOD SCHOLARSHIP, THEORY, AND SOCIAL POLICY Fatherhood Scholarship - William Marsiglio An Overview and Agenda for the Future Reshaping Fatherhood - Kerry J Daly Finding the Models Rethinking Fathers' Involvement in Child Care - Alan J Hawkins et al A Developmental Perspective Developing a Middle-Range Theory of Father Involvement Postdivorce - Marilyn Ihinger-Tallman, Kay Pasley and Cheryl Buehler Fathers' Diverse Life Course Patterns and Roles - William Marsiglio Theory and Social Interventions PART TWO: FATHERHOOD RESEARCH AND PROSPECTS FOR THE FUTURE Paternal Involvement and Perception toward Fathers' Roles - Masako Ishii-Kuntz A Comparison between Japan and the United States Fathering in the Inner-City - Frank F Furstenberg Jr Paternal Participation and Public Policy Fathering Behavior and Child Outcomes - Jane Mosley and Elizabeth Thomson The Role of Race and Poverty What Fathers Say about Involvement with Children after Separation - Judith A Seltzer and Yvonne Brandreth Single Fathers with Custody - Geoffrey L Greif and Alfred DeMaris Do They Change over Time? Stepfathers with Minor Children Living at Home - William Marsiglio Parenting Perceptions and Relationship Quality The Fathers' Rights Movement - Carl Bertoia and Janice Drakich Contradictions in Rhetoric and Practice The Future of Fatherhood - Scott Coltrane Social, Demographic and Economic Influences on Men's Family Involvements


Centro de Documentación e Información - Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires

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