Going crazy : the radical therapy of R. D. Laing and others

Going crazy : the radical therapy of R. D. Laing and others - Nueva York : Bantam Books, 1972 - 308 p. - (Bantam Psychology) .

Introduction, radical therapy: what is it all about? By H. M. Ruitenbeek.
Letter to the medical directors of lunatic asylums, by A. Artaud.
Metanoia: some experiences at Kingsley Hall, London, by R. D. Laing.
On radical therapy, by J. Hermes.
The other shore of therapy, by D. Cooper.
Anti-psychiatry: an interview with Joe Berke, by A. Rossabi.
Interview with David Cooper.
Who is mad? Who is sane? R. D. Laing: in search of a new psychiatry, by J. S. Gordon.
Flection, reflection, by M. Barnes.
The obvious, by R. D. Laing.
R. D. Laing: psychiatry & apocalypse, by D. Martin.
R. D. Laing and the young, by H. M. Ruitenbeek.
Psychotherapy: a medical procedure? By J. S. Werry.
Oedipus Rex: tragedy or strategy? By R. Seidenberg.
Mental health in a corrupt society, by L. A. Gelb.
Change within a counter-cultural crisis intervention center, by T. Clark and D. T. Jaffe.
Kinder, küche, kirche, by N. Weisstein.
A halfway-house community, by D. T. Jaffe.
The accursed race, by R. Seidenberg.
Sarah's odyssey: acid and the youth culture, by D. and Y. Jaffe.
Radical psychiatry, by C. M. Steiner.


Centro de Documentación e Información - Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires

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