Computers, surveillance, and privacy

Computers, surveillance, and privacy - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 1995 - 285 p.

Surveillance. privacy, and the new technology / David Lyon and Elia Zureik --
Genetic testing and workplace surveillance: implications for privacy / Priscilla M. Reagan --
Privacy and surveillance in computer-supported cooperative work / Judith A. Perrolle --
High-tech workplace surveillance: what's really new? / James B. Rule --
Social control and the network marketplace / Abbe Mowshowitz --
How the marriage of management and computing intensifies the struggle for personal privacy / Rob Kling and Jonathan P. Allen --
Coming to terms with the panoptic sort / Oscar H. Gandy Jr --
Privacy: a concept whose time has come and gone / Calvin C. Gotlieb --
Databases as discourse; or, electronic interpellations / Mark Poster --
Electric eye in the sky: some reflections on the new surveillance and popular culture / Gary T. Marx --
The public surveillance of personal data: a cross-national analysis / Colin J. Bennett --
Surveying surveillance: an approach to measuring the extent of surveillance / Simon G. Davies



Centro de Documentación e Información - Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires

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