Caudillo and peasant in the Mexican Revolution

Caudillo and peasant in the Mexican Revolution - Cambridge [Eng.] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1980. - xi, 311 p. - 38 .

1. Introduction: national politics and the populist tradition D. A. Brading
2. Peasant and caudillo in revolutionary Mexico 1910–17 Alan Knight
3. Pancho Villa, peasant movements and agrarian reform in northern Mexico Friedrich Katz
4. Rancheros of Guerrero: The Figueroa brothers and the revolution Ian Jacobs
5. The relevant tradition: Sonoran leaders in the revolution Hector Aguilar Camin
6. Alvaro Obregón and the agrarian movement 1912–20 Linda B. Hall
7. Saturnine Cedillo: a traditional caudillo in San Luis Potosi 1890–1938 Dudley Ankerson
8. Revolutionary caudillos in the 1920s: Francisco Múgica and Adalberto Tejeda Heather Fowler Salamini
9. Caciquismo and the revolution: Carrillo Puerto in Yucatan Gilbert M. Joseph
10. State governors and peasant mobilisation in Tlaxcala Raymond Buve
11. Conclusion: peasant mobilisation and the revolution Hans Werner Yowler.


Centro de Documentación e Información - Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires

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