Redesigning life? : the worldwide challenge to genetic engineering

Redesigning life? : the worldwide challenge to genetic engineering - London ; New York : New York : Zed Books ; Distributed by Palgrave, 2001. - 440 p.

Introduction / Brian Tokar -- Our Health, Our Food and the Environment -- From Golden Rice to Terminator Technology / Martha L. Crouch -- Genetically Engineered “Vitamin A Rice” / Vandana Shiva -- Cloning Profits / Sonja Schmitz -- Genetically Engineered Foods / Jennifer Ferrara & Michael K. Dorsey -- Safety First / Beth Burrows -- Ecological Consequences of Genetic Engineering / Ricarda Steinbrecher -- Biotechnology to the Rescue? / Jack Kloppenburg Jr. & Beth Burrows -- Engineered Trees / Orin Langelle -- Medical Genetics, Science, and Human Rights -- The Case Against Designer Babies / Marcy Darnovsky -- Cancer as (Not) a Genetic Disease / Barbara Katz Rothman -- If Cloning is the Answer, What was the Question? / Sarah Sexton -- Eugenic Tendencies in Modern Genetics / David King -- If Pigs Could Fly, They Would / Alix Fano -- Reproductive Technology / Zoë C. Meleo-Erwin -- Is Violence in Your Genes? / Mitchel Cohen -- Patents, Corporate Power and the Theft of Knowledge -- Gene Giants--Hope Shand -- Patents, Ethics and Spin / Beth Burrows -- Biotechnology and Indigenous Peoples / Victoria Tauli-Corpuz -- Shams, Shamans and the Commercialization of Biodiversity / Michael K. Dorsey -- Biopiracy / Vandana Shiva -- Exclusive Rights, Enclosure and the Patenting of Life / Kimberly Wilson -- Paving the Way for Biotechnology / Jennifer Ferrara -- Biotechnology and the New World Order / Mitchel Cohen -- The Worldwide Resistance to Genetic Engineering -- Resisting the Engineering of Life / Brian Tokar -- Princes, Aliens, Superheroes and Snowballs / Jim Thomas -- Seed Satyagraha / Vandana Shiva -- Europe: Hostile Lands for GMOs / Thomas Schweiger -- No Patents on Life / Steve Emmott -- No to Bovine Growth Hormone / Lucy Sharratt -- Cooperatives / Robin Seydel -- McDonalds, MTV, and Monsanto / Chaia Heller

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