The Collapse of communism

Colaborador(es): Gwertzman, Bernard M | Kaufman, Michael TDetalles de publicación: New York : Times Books ; Random House, c1991. Edición: ed. rev. y actualizadaDescripción: xvii, 600 pISBN: 0812919416Tema(s): COMUNISMO | ECONOMÍA
Introduction / Bernard Gwertzman -- WINTER 1988-89 - In hope and dismay : Lenin`s heirs speak / Serge Schmemann -- Getting out with honor / Bill Keller -- Major soviet paper says 20 million died as victims of Stalin / Bell Keller -- Warsaw opens parley with solidarity / John Tabliabue -- Last soviet soldiers leave Afghanistan after 9 years : 15.000 dead and great cost / Bill Keller -- Solidarity may win 40 percent of Parliament / John Tagliabue -- Lithuania nationalist : a fine and fragile line / Bill Keller -- In Moscow's tv political debates : the unspeakable is now routine / Bill Keller -- Soviet savor in freest election since `17 revolution / Bill Keller -- Soviet voters deal humiliating blow to party officials / Bill Keller -- Gorbachev-Castro face-off : a clash of style and policies / Bill Keller -- Gorvachev begins his visit to Cuba with Castro's hug / Bill Keller -- Gorbachev signs traty with Cuba / Bill Keller -- Poland sets free vote in June, first since `45 : solidarity reinstated / John Tagliabue -- Walesa isn't among candidates solidarity lists for June elections / John Tagliabue -- For paper jungle (and censor) await / John Tagliabue -- Slogans ready : solidarity takes stab at the Hustings / John Tagliabue - SPRING 1989 - Urging chinese democracy : 100.000 surge past police / Nicholas D. Kristof -- China newspapers try new openness / Sheryl WuDunn -- A Chinese lesson in polite protest / Nicholas D. Kristof -- China party chief appears to gain in power struggle / Nicholas Kristof -- China`s hero of democracy : Gorvachev / Nicholas Kristof -- Gorbachev metts Deng in Beijing : protest goes on / Nicholas Kristof -- 150.000 lift their voices for change / Sheryl WuDunn -- Soviet and China resuming normal ties after 30 years : Beijing pledges "democracy" / Bill Keller -- 150.000 lift their voices for change / Sheryl WuDunn -- Soviets and China resuming normal ties after 30 years : Beijing pledges democracy / Bill Keller -- Gorbachev praises the students and declares reform is necessary / Bill Keller -- A million chinese march : adding pressure for change / Sheryl WuDunn -- Chinese premier issues a warnign to the protesters / Nicholas Kristof -- China hard-liners send troops to Beijin / Nicholas Kristof -- Sad but defiant Chinese stand up to troops / Sheryl WuDunn -- Facing the people : the soldiers fall back / Sheryl WuDunn -- Biggest Beijing crowds so far keep troops from city center : party reported in bitter fight / Nicholas Kristof -- Beijing throngs again thwart advances by troops amid sings military balks at crackdown / Nicholas Kristof -- Since marital law : protest crackles with fury at deng / Sheryl WuDunn -- Reporte's notebook / Nicholas Kristof -- Boldy and subtly : China's press tests limits... / Sheryl WuDunn -- Tide turns toward chinese hard-liner -- Students plan for hurdle : Zaho's fall -- Wishful thinkers? -- Chinese hard-liner tightens grip as attacks on his rival muliply -- Students renew call for change in Beijing march -- In quest for democracy : a mini-city is born / Sheryl WuDunn -- Why deng trembles : a leader equates protest and chaos / Nicholas Kristof -- Beijing residents block army move near city center / Nicholas Kristof -- A portrait of a young man as Beijing student leader / Sheryl WuDunn -- Troops attack and crush Beijin protest : thousands fight back scores are killed / Nicholas Kristof -- Crackdown in Beijing : in the streets, anguish, fury and tears / Sheryl WuDunn -- Please tell the world : students beg / Nicholas Kristof -- Beijing death toll at least 300 : army tightens, control of city but ungry resistence goes on / Nichols Kristof -- In Beijing rage and despair over the soliders brutality / Sheryl WuDunn -- A student's body is honored with tears of horror and cries for revenge / Sheryl WuDunn -- Artillery firing in suburbs adds to tensions in Beijing mystery on leaders grows / Nicholas Kristof -- Foreboding grasps Beijing : army untis crisscross city, foreigner hurry to leave / Nichoas Kristof -- On the surface : Beijing starts to appear normal / Sheryl WuDunn -- Democracy movement : over, for the time being / Nicholas Kristof - SUMMER 1989 - Communist wallflowers join democracy's dance / John Tagliabue -- In an unpradictable land : the pariah as candidate / John Tagliabue -- Poland flirts with pluralism today / John Tagliabue -- Big solidarity victory seen in Poland / John Tagliabue -- In an unpredictable land : the pariah as candidate / John Taglabue -- Poland flirts with pluralism today / John Tagliabue -- Big solidarity victory seen in Poland / John Tagliabue -- Stunning vote casts poles into uncharted waters / John Tagliabue -- Warsaw accepts solidarity sweep and humiliating losses by party / John Tagliabue -- Solidarity takes its elected place in the parliament / Henry Kamm -- Walesa rejects offer of coalition / John Tagliabue -- Jaruzelski says warsaw pact opposes a solidarity premier / John Tagliabue -- Jaruzelski quits as party leader / John Tagliabue -- General chosen as polish prime minister / John Tagliabue -- Solidarity seeks to oust warsaw premier / John Tagliabue -- Peasant party : new kingmakers for a new poland / John Tagliabue -- Annexation void, Lithuanins say / Bill Keller - AUTUMN 1989 - A deadly feud tears at enclave on Gorbachev's southern flank / Bill Keller -- The soviets porudly present their friendly K.G.B. agent / Bill Keller -- East germans put hungary in a bind / Henry Kamm -- More than 6.000 east germans swell tide of refugees to the west / Serge Schmemann -- East German line émigré routes : some in hope of their own exit / Serge Schmemann -- Security forces storm protesters in East Germany / Serge Schmemann -- East Germany removes honecker and his protégé takes his place / Serge Schmemann -- Communist party in Hungary votes for radical shift / Henry Kamm -- What's in a name? : just ask the hungarians / Henry Kamm -- Gorbachev in Finland : diavows any right of regional inervention / Bill Keller -- East German movement overtaken by followers / Serge Schemann -- 300.000 reported to March in largest east german protest / Henry Kamm -- East germans declare amnesty for those who fled / Serge Schmemann -- Another big rally in East Germany / Serge Schememann -- 500.000 in East Berlin rally for change : émigrés are given passage to west / Serge Schmemann -- 10.000 more flee as East Germany vows easy travel / Serge Schmemann -- A draft law grants east germans the right to travel of emigrate / Serge Schmemann -- The border is open : joyous east germans pour through wall : party pledges freedoms and city exults / Serge Schmemann -- Redefining Europe : as revelry goes on, politician ponder the ramifications of changes in Germany / Craig Whitney -- Jubilation in Berlin : a day for celebration and a bit of shopping / Ferdinand Protzman -- Ripples in Poland : Khol delivers aid and returns home / John Tagliabue -- Bulgarian chief quits after 35 years of rigid rule / Clyde Haberman -- The open frontier : east german flood the west most to rejoice then go home Kohl and Krenz agree to meet / Serge Schmemann -- A day trip through the wall : family says of the west "it`s a dream" / Ferdinand Protzman -- The comprade on the street : Russians see an omen of their own progress / Francis Clines -- Disgust with the west is reported but Beijing ignores the wall`s end / Sheryl WuDunn -- A contrite goverment : country deputies say party failed the east german / Craig Whitney -- Little change in Czechoslovakia maintaining tight control in Prague / R.W.Apple Jr. -- Bonn outlines aid for East Germany / Henry Kamm -- Unease in Prague : a soviet warning on foot-dragging is given to Prague / R.W.Apple Jr. -- Gratitude adn a request : in talk to congress walesa urges a marshall plan to revive Poland / Neil Lewis -- Grim state of east germany's economy is disclosed to parliament / David Binder -- Kohl says Bonn will not press East Germany on reunification / Serge Schememann -- The two countries are likely to join their industries before their politics / Craig Whitney -- Chinese premier sees no effect from Europe -- How the wall was cracked : a special report party coup turned East German tide -- New ties to Bonn sought by premier of East Germany / Craig Whitney -- Three dessident voices from eastern Europe -- Rumanian leader refuses changes / Alan Riding -- 200.000 March in Prague as calls for change mount / John Tagliabue -- Prague´s premier has initial talks with opposition / John Tagliabue -- 250.000 czechs hailing dubcek urge ouster of hard-line leaders / John Tagaliabue -- The new Europe : will it come apart as it comes together / R.W.Apple Jr. -- Prague city leaders resign : new chief 48 surprise choice 350.000 at rally cheer dubcek / Steven Greenhouse -- Students ask workers aid in czech rally / Esther Fein -- Reports of corruption in East Berlin shock even the party rank and file / David Binder -- And the two east germans in love : the changes spell bliss / Henry Kamm -- Old master spy in East Berlin tells why he backs changes / Serge Schmemann -- In Rumania the old order won´t budge / Alan Riding -- Hungarians hold first free vote in 42 years shunninga boycott / Henry Kamm -- Hungarian reject election timetable of the ruling party / Henry Kamm -- If the party has its back to the wall : it's a wall with New posters on it / Esther B. Fein -- Millions of czechoslovaks increase pressure on party with two-hour general strike / R.W.Apple Jr. -- Where east Berlin's elite lived it up / David Binder -- Marxism will revive : Gorvachev insists / Bill Keller -- Czechoslovakia's moment in time / Serge Schmemann -- Prague`s unlikely collaborators for change : party stalwart and ex-prisioner havel, often- jailed dramatist became symbol of dissent / Serge Schmemann -- Gorvachev`s hope for future : a common eurpean home / Bill Keller -- Unease fills western allies over rapid changes in East / Craig Whitney -- Changes in East call for a U.S. balancing act / Thomas Friedman -- Gorbachev lauds religion on eve of meeting pope / Clyde Haberman -- The kremlin and vatican : Gorvachev visits pope at vatican ties are forged / Clyde Haberman -- The Malta summit : Bush and Gorvachev proclaim a new era for U.S Soviet ties : agree on arms and trade aims / Andrew Rosenthal -- New spur for a new journey together / R.W.Apple Jr. -- Czech party call'68 invasion wrong / Serge Shmemman -- Warsaw pact condemns`68 prague invasion / Bill Keller -- East German fear new freedom could outstrip ways to control it / Craig Whitney -- Protest rallies resume in Prague in effort to oust new goverment / Henry Kamm -- Civic forum : politics on a shoestring / Henry Kamm -- East German out as chief of state : party in disarray / Serge Schmemann -- Czech premier quits as dissidents press to control cabinet / John Tagliabue -- Havel makes it official : he'd accept top billing / Henry Kamm -- For hidden slovak dissidents : a Guide / Brenda Fowler -- Lithuania leaglizes rival parties : removing communists' monopoly / Esther Fein -- Castro says he'll resist changes like those sweeping soviet bloc / Larry Rohter -- Bonn leader softens his plan for german unity / Craig Whitney -- Baker in Berlin outlines a plan to make NATO a political group / Thomas Friedman -- Excerpts form speech by Gorbachev on bloc -- Gorbachev blocks debate on ending party supremacy / Francis Clines -- Government that exiled him hurries to mourn sakharov / Francis Clines -- Berlin communists outline plataform / Craig Whitney - WINTER 1989-90 - Leaders of the two germanys meet : symbolic reconciliation cheered / Serge Schmemann -- Hatred of security forces growing as rumanian atrocities increase / Celestine Bohlen -- Rumanian army gains in capital but battle goes on / John Kifner -- The airwaves Rummanian revolt live and uncensored / John Kifner -- Czechoslovakia : havel, long prague`s prisioner elected president / Craig Whitney -- East Germany : Berlin communist urges troop cuts / Serge Schmemann -- Voices of Bulgaria tell story of hate / Clyde Haberman -- Lithuanians cry "freedom!" on Eve of Gorvachev visti / Esther Fein -- Buying time in Lithuania : his choices severly limited Gorvachev is forced to sell the virtues of federation / Bill Keller -- Soviet azerbaijan in ethnic turmoil / Bill Keller -- Angry crowds of East Germans ransack offices of spy service / Serge Schmemann -- Soviet military takes control of Baku : scores of Azerbaijanis killed coup averted Gorvachev says / Bill Keller -- Vote is moved up by East Germans : coalition widened / Serge Schmemann -- Polish communist vote to disband / Steven Greenhouse -- In suspense east germans await capitalism / Serge Schmemann -- West germans assert Gorvachev has cleared way to reunification / Serge Schmemann -- World vote urged by shevardnadze on german unity / Francis Clines -- Gorvachev calls on party to forgo power monopoly : meets hard-line opposition / Bill Keller -- Shadow of eastern europe looms in nightmares of soviet speakers / Bill Keller -- Party maps plan to give Gorvachev broader powers / Bill Keller -- Kohl says Moscow agrees on unity issue / Craig Whitney -- West and soviets agree with 2 germanys on rapid schedule for unification talks : Gorvachev accepts Bush's troop ceiling / Paul Lewis -- Germans move to unite economies : as Khol leads and Modrow follows / Serge Schmemann -- A once-docile azerbaijani city bridles under the kremlin's grip / Bill Keller -- The Germans : Khol stumps as if germanys were one / Serge Schmemann -- Lithuanians vote strongly for independence backers soviet crowds ask change / Bill Keller -- Moscow's maverick with a purpose / Francis Clines -- Reform majorities likely in Moscow and in Leningrad / Bill Keller -- Gorvachev wants Lithuania to pay billions to secede / Bill Keller -- Parliament in Lithuania : 124-0 declares nation independent / Bill Keller -- Parliament votes expanded powers for Soviet Leader / Francis Clines -- Gorvachev takes new post and pledges to speed move toward a market economy / Bill Keller -- In East German army ranks : a headlong farewell to arms / Serge Schmemann -- Mandate for unity "as son as possible" / Serge Shmemann - SPRING 1990 - Gorvachev tells the Lithuanians to turn in arms / Francis Clines -- Moscow forces step up pressure across Lithuania / Esther Fein -- Lithuania offers to discuss a vote on its sovereignty / Francis Clines -- Moscow's forces seize 2 key sites from Lithuanians / Francis Clines -- Yugoslavia holds free vote for firs time since 1940's / Chuck Sudetic -- The armies : as germany reunities east and west seek a system for future security on continet / Serge Schmemann -- Soviets flesh out view on Germany / Craig Whitney -- White house bars a Unitred Germany on both alliances / Thomas Friedman -- Gorbachev warns Lithuania of ban on major supplies / Francis Clines -- Polish free-market planner comes under solidarity fire / Stephen Engelberg -- Gorvachev is said to delay soviet economic "shock therapy" plan / Bill Keller -- Gorvachev urges new economy otherwise "our society will die " / Francis Clines -- Gorvachev jeered at may day rally / Bill Keller -- Soviet´s price on Germany / Serge Schmemann -- Bonn official sees rapid unification / Serge Schmemann -- Germany draw up pact to merge their economies / Serge Schmemann -- Albanian leader says the conutry will be democratized but will retain socialism / David Binder -- Lithuania agrees to suspend laws on independence / Bill Keller -- Gorvachev meets with Lithuanian big step is cited / Bill Keller -- U.S. and soviets close to a pact on 30% cut in nuclear missiles : agree on chemical-arms cubrs / Thomas Friedmann -- Gorvachev offers deal to Lithuania / Esther Fein -- Soviets unveil limited plan toward regulated market / Celestine Bohlem -- Gorvachev issues appeal for clam amid panic buying / Celestine Bohlen -- Yeltsin is elected russian president on 3d-Round vote / Celestine Bohlen -- Summit in Washington : 2 leaders spend day in relaxed talks at camp David / Bill Keller -- Russian republic asserts its laws have primacy over Kremlin Rule / Bill Keller -- Bulgarian voting stuns opposition / Celestine Bohlen -- Gorvachev yields on alliance roles in a New Germany / Bill Keller -- Rumanian miners invade Bucharest / Celestine Bohlen -- Kohl sees ballot by two germanys before end of '90 / Serge Schmemann - SUMMER 1990 - Germanys adopt unity treaty and guarantee poland's borders / Serge Schmemann -- Eurpean leaders back khol's plea to aid soviets / Craig Whitney -- Lithuania agrees to 100-day delay on independence / Bill Keller -- Germans revel as economies unite / Serge Schmemann -- In a leap toward unity, 2 germanys meld currencies / Serge Schmemann -- Soviet comminst convening today on party's future / Bill Keller -- Gorvachev urges a fractius party to pull together / Bill Keller -- NATO allies after 40 years proclaim end of cold war / Craig Whitney -- Shevardnadze says the measures herald a safe future for europe / Bill Keller -- Confronting foes Grovachev keeps party leadership / Bill Keller -- Kremlin maverick leaves the party : more may follow / Serge Shmermann -- Khol sees soviets amid upbeat mood / Serge Schmemmann -- Gorvachev clears way for German unity dropping objetion to NATO membership / Serge Schmemann -- Ukranians declare republic svereign inside soviet system / Francis Clines -- Bowing to the inexorable soviets make the best of new german might / Serge Shmemann -- Soviet smokers vow strikes as cigarettes too / Celestine Bohlen -- Moscow joins U.S in criticizing Iraq / Bill Keller -- U.S and soviets as allies : it´s the first time since 1945 / Bill Keller -- Germanys codify detalis of union / Serge Schmemann -- Soviet agreement reported on plan for free markets / Bill Keller -- Bush and Gorvachev say iraqis must boey U.N and quit kwait / Bill Keller -- Gorvachev endorses a proposal for free enterprise in 500 days / Francis Clines -- A historic moment slips by overtaken by other events / Serge Schmemann - FALL 1990 - Soviet parliament grants Gorvachev emergency power / Celestine Bohlen -- On unity eve subdued mood replaces euphoria / Serge Schmemann -- Evolution in Europe : two germanys unite after 45 years with jubilation and a vow of peace / Serge Schmemann -- Unity in pensive key / Craig Whitney -- Amid many mirages russians feel lost / Celestine Bohlen -- Gorvachev offers his plan to remake soviet economy but includes no timetables / Bill Keller -- For eastern europe now : a new desillusion / Serge Schmemann -- Surprise for western europe : eastern kin come knocking / Craig Whitney -- Soviets adopt emergency plan to center power in Gorvachev and leaders of the republics / Bill Keller -- Bulgarian communist stalwart says he´d do it all differently / Chuck Sudetic -- Kohl's coalition elected to lead unifed germany / Serge Schmemann -- Poland elects Walesa president in Landslide / Stephen Engelberg -- Shevardnadze stuns Kremlin by quitting foreign ministry and warning of Dictatorship / Bill Keller - WINTER 1990 - Tearful Walesa is sworn in as president / Stephen Engelberg -- Gorvachev given direct authority over his cabinet / Bill Keller -- Mourning soviet refom / Bill Keller - SUMMER 1991 - Gorvachev is ousted in an apparent coup by soviet armed forces and hard-liners : accused of steering into a Blind alley / Francis Clines -- Moscow fears it awoke to a nightmare / Celestine Bohlen -- Bush condemns soviet coup and calls for its reversal / Andrew Rosenthal -- Resistance to soviet takeover grows as defiant crowds rally for Yeltsin / Francis Clines -- Bare-fisted russians make their stand / Celestine Bohlen -- Gorvachev says coup will hasten reform : Yeltsin leads the celebration in Moscow / Bill Keller -- Moscow crowds vent anger on communists / Celestine Bohlen -- The icons topple / Henry Kamm -- Gorvachev quits as party head : ends communism's 74-years reign / Serge Schmemann -- Rush towards disunion sperads : Europe embracing baltic independence purge of military / Bill Keller -- Gorvachev pleads but breakaway ares defy him, putting fate of union in doubt / Francis Clnes -- K.G.B once a pervasive power : is quickly being brought to heel / Serge Schmemann -- Soviet leaders press a rebellious Ukraine to remain in the union / Serge Schmemann --Soviets bar communist party activites republics press search for a new order / Serge Schmemann -- After the breakup : e pluribus... what? / Bill Keller -- Epilogue / Michael Kaufman -- INDEX.
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Introduction / Bernard Gwertzman -- WINTER 1988-89 - In hope and dismay : Lenin`s heirs speak / Serge Schmemann -- Getting out with honor / Bill Keller -- Major soviet paper says 20 million died as victims of Stalin / Bell Keller -- Warsaw opens parley with solidarity / John Tabliabue -- Last soviet soldiers leave Afghanistan after 9 years : 15.000 dead and great cost / Bill Keller -- Solidarity may win 40 percent of Parliament / John Tagliabue -- Lithuania nationalist : a fine and fragile line / Bill Keller -- In Moscow's tv political debates : the unspeakable is now routine / Bill Keller -- Soviet savor in freest election since `17 revolution / Bill Keller -- Soviet voters deal humiliating blow to party officials / Bill Keller -- Gorbachev-Castro face-off : a clash of style and policies / Bill Keller -- Gorvachev begins his visit to Cuba with Castro's hug / Bill Keller -- Gorbachev signs traty with Cuba / Bill Keller -- Poland sets free vote in June, first since `45 : solidarity reinstated / John Tagliabue -- Walesa isn't among candidates solidarity lists for June elections / John Tagliabue -- For paper jungle (and censor) await / John Tagliabue -- Slogans ready : solidarity takes stab at the Hustings / John Tagliabue - SPRING 1989 - Urging chinese democracy : 100.000 surge past police / Nicholas D. Kristof -- China newspapers try new openness / Sheryl WuDunn -- A Chinese lesson in polite protest / Nicholas D. Kristof -- China party chief appears to gain in power struggle / Nicholas Kristof -- China`s hero of democracy : Gorvachev / Nicholas Kristof -- Gorbachev metts Deng in Beijing : protest goes on / Nicholas Kristof -- 150.000 lift their voices for change / Sheryl WuDunn -- Soviet and China resuming normal ties after 30 years : Beijing pledges "democracy" / Bill Keller -- 150.000 lift their voices for change / Sheryl WuDunn -- Soviets and China resuming normal ties after 30 years : Beijing pledges democracy / Bill Keller -- Gorbachev praises the students and declares reform is necessary / Bill Keller -- A million chinese march : adding pressure for change / Sheryl WuDunn -- Chinese premier issues a warnign to the protesters / Nicholas Kristof -- China hard-liners send troops to Beijin / Nicholas Kristof -- Sad but defiant Chinese stand up to troops / Sheryl WuDunn -- Facing the people : the soldiers fall back / Sheryl WuDunn -- Biggest Beijing crowds so far keep troops from city center : party reported in bitter fight / Nicholas Kristof -- Beijing throngs again thwart advances by troops amid sings military balks at crackdown / Nicholas Kristof -- Since marital law : protest crackles with fury at deng / Sheryl WuDunn -- Reporte's notebook / Nicholas Kristof -- Boldy and subtly : China's press tests limits... / Sheryl WuDunn -- Tide turns toward chinese hard-liner -- Students plan for hurdle : Zaho's fall -- Wishful thinkers? -- Chinese hard-liner tightens grip as attacks on his rival muliply -- Students renew call for change in Beijing march -- In quest for democracy : a mini-city is born / Sheryl WuDunn -- Why deng trembles : a leader equates protest and chaos / Nicholas Kristof -- Beijing residents block army move near city center / Nicholas Kristof -- A portrait of a young man as Beijing student leader / Sheryl WuDunn -- Troops attack and crush Beijin protest : thousands fight back scores are killed / Nicholas Kristof -- Crackdown in Beijing : in the streets, anguish, fury and tears / Sheryl WuDunn -- Please tell the world : students beg / Nicholas Kristof -- Beijing death toll at least 300 : army tightens, control of city but ungry resistence goes on / Nichols Kristof -- In Beijing rage and despair over the soliders brutality / Sheryl WuDunn -- A student's body is honored with tears of horror and cries for revenge / Sheryl WuDunn -- Artillery firing in suburbs adds to tensions in Beijing mystery on leaders grows / Nicholas Kristof -- Foreboding grasps Beijing : army untis crisscross city, foreigner hurry to leave / Nichoas Kristof -- On the surface : Beijing starts to appear normal / Sheryl WuDunn -- Democracy movement : over, for the time being / Nicholas Kristof - SUMMER 1989 - Communist wallflowers join democracy's dance / John Tagliabue -- In an unpradictable land : the pariah as candidate / John Tagliabue -- Poland flirts with pluralism today / John Tagliabue -- Big solidarity victory seen in Poland / John Tagliabue -- In an unpredictable land : the pariah as candidate / John Taglabue -- Poland flirts with pluralism today / John Tagliabue -- Big solidarity victory seen in Poland / John Tagliabue -- Stunning vote casts poles into uncharted waters / John Tagliabue -- Warsaw accepts solidarity sweep and humiliating losses by party / John Tagliabue -- Solidarity takes its elected place in the parliament / Henry Kamm -- Walesa rejects offer of coalition / John Tagliabue -- Jaruzelski says warsaw pact opposes a solidarity premier / John Tagliabue -- Jaruzelski quits as party leader / John Tagliabue -- General chosen as polish prime minister / John Tagliabue -- Solidarity seeks to oust warsaw premier / John Tagliabue -- Peasant party : new kingmakers for a new poland / John Tagliabue -- Annexation void, Lithuanins say / Bill Keller - AUTUMN 1989 - A deadly feud tears at enclave on Gorbachev's southern flank / Bill Keller -- The soviets porudly present their friendly K.G.B. agent / Bill Keller -- East germans put hungary in a bind / Henry Kamm -- More than 6.000 east germans swell tide of refugees to the west / Serge Schmemann -- East German line émigré routes : some in hope of their own exit / Serge Schmemann -- Security forces storm protesters in East Germany / Serge Schmemann -- East Germany removes honecker and his protégé takes his place / Serge Schmemann -- Communist party in Hungary votes for radical shift / Henry Kamm -- What's in a name? : just ask the hungarians / Henry Kamm -- Gorbachev in Finland : diavows any right of regional inervention / Bill Keller -- East German movement overtaken by followers / Serge Schemann -- 300.000 reported to March in largest east german protest / Henry Kamm -- East germans declare amnesty for those who fled / Serge Schmemann -- Another big rally in East Germany / Serge Schememann -- 500.000 in East Berlin rally for change : émigrés are given passage to west / Serge Schmemann -- 10.000 more flee as East Germany vows easy travel / Serge Schmemann -- A draft law grants east germans the right to travel of emigrate / Serge Schmemann -- The border is open : joyous east germans pour through wall : party pledges freedoms and city exults / Serge Schmemann -- Redefining Europe : as revelry goes on, politician ponder the ramifications of changes in Germany / Craig Whitney -- Jubilation in Berlin : a day for celebration and a bit of shopping / Ferdinand Protzman -- Ripples in Poland : Khol delivers aid and returns home / John Tagliabue -- Bulgarian chief quits after 35 years of rigid rule / Clyde Haberman -- The open frontier : east german flood the west most to rejoice then go home Kohl and Krenz agree to meet / Serge Schmemann -- A day trip through the wall : family says of the west "it`s a dream" / Ferdinand Protzman -- The comprade on the street : Russians see an omen of their own progress / Francis Clines -- Disgust with the west is reported but Beijing ignores the wall`s end / Sheryl WuDunn -- A contrite goverment : country deputies say party failed the east german / Craig Whitney -- Little change in Czechoslovakia maintaining tight control in Prague / R.W.Apple Jr. -- Bonn outlines aid for East Germany / Henry Kamm -- Unease in Prague : a soviet warning on foot-dragging is given to Prague / R.W.Apple Jr. -- Gratitude adn a request : in talk to congress walesa urges a marshall plan to revive Poland / Neil Lewis -- Grim state of east germany's economy is disclosed to parliament / David Binder -- Kohl says Bonn will not press East Germany on reunification / Serge Schememann -- The two countries are likely to join their industries before their politics / Craig Whitney -- Chinese premier sees no effect from Europe -- How the wall was cracked : a special report party coup turned East German tide -- New ties to Bonn sought by premier of East Germany / Craig Whitney -- Three dessident voices from eastern Europe -- Rumanian leader refuses changes / Alan Riding -- 200.000 March in Prague as calls for change mount / John Tagliabue -- Prague´s premier has initial talks with opposition / John Tagliabue -- 250.000 czechs hailing dubcek urge ouster of hard-line leaders / John Tagaliabue -- The new Europe : will it come apart as it comes together / R.W.Apple Jr. -- Prague city leaders resign : new chief 48 surprise choice 350.000 at rally cheer dubcek / Steven Greenhouse -- Students ask workers aid in czech rally / Esther Fein -- Reports of corruption in East Berlin shock even the party rank and file / David Binder -- And the two east germans in love : the changes spell bliss / Henry Kamm -- Old master spy in East Berlin tells why he backs changes / Serge Schmemann -- In Rumania the old order won´t budge / Alan Riding -- Hungarians hold first free vote in 42 years shunninga boycott / Henry Kamm -- Hungarian reject election timetable of the ruling party / Henry Kamm -- If the party has its back to the wall : it's a wall with New posters on it / Esther B. Fein -- Millions of czechoslovaks increase pressure on party with two-hour general strike / R.W.Apple Jr. -- Where east Berlin's elite lived it up / David Binder -- Marxism will revive : Gorvachev insists / Bill Keller -- Czechoslovakia's moment in time / Serge Schmemann -- Prague`s unlikely collaborators for change : party stalwart and ex-prisioner havel, often- jailed dramatist became symbol of dissent / Serge Schmemann -- Gorvachev`s hope for future : a common eurpean home / Bill Keller -- Unease fills western allies over rapid changes in East / Craig Whitney -- Changes in East call for a U.S. balancing act / Thomas Friedman -- Gorbachev lauds religion on eve of meeting pope / Clyde Haberman -- The kremlin and vatican : Gorvachev visits pope at vatican ties are forged / Clyde Haberman -- The Malta summit : Bush and Gorvachev proclaim a new era for U.S Soviet ties : agree on arms and trade aims / Andrew Rosenthal -- New spur for a new journey together / R.W.Apple Jr. -- Czech party call'68 invasion wrong / Serge Shmemman -- Warsaw pact condemns`68 prague invasion / Bill Keller -- East German fear new freedom could outstrip ways to control it / Craig Whitney -- Protest rallies resume in Prague in effort to oust new goverment / Henry Kamm -- Civic forum : politics on a shoestring / Henry Kamm -- East German out as chief of state : party in disarray / Serge Schmemann -- Czech premier quits as dissidents press to control cabinet / John Tagliabue -- Havel makes it official : he'd accept top billing / Henry Kamm -- For hidden slovak dissidents : a Guide / Brenda Fowler -- Lithuania leaglizes rival parties : removing communists' monopoly / Esther Fein -- Castro says he'll resist changes like those sweeping soviet bloc / Larry Rohter -- Bonn leader softens his plan for german unity / Craig Whitney -- Baker in Berlin outlines a plan to make NATO a political group / Thomas Friedman -- Excerpts form speech by Gorbachev on bloc -- Gorbachev blocks debate on ending party supremacy / Francis Clines -- Government that exiled him hurries to mourn sakharov / Francis Clines -- Berlin communists outline plataform / Craig Whitney - WINTER 1989-90 - Leaders of the two germanys meet : symbolic reconciliation cheered / Serge Schmemann -- Hatred of security forces growing as rumanian atrocities increase / Celestine Bohlen -- Rumanian army gains in capital but battle goes on / John Kifner -- The airwaves Rummanian revolt live and uncensored / John Kifner -- Czechoslovakia : havel, long prague`s prisioner elected president / Craig Whitney -- East Germany : Berlin communist urges troop cuts / Serge Schmemann -- Voices of Bulgaria tell story of hate / Clyde Haberman -- Lithuanians cry "freedom!" on Eve of Gorvachev visti / Esther Fein -- Buying time in Lithuania : his choices severly limited Gorvachev is forced to sell the virtues of federation / Bill Keller -- Soviet azerbaijan in ethnic turmoil / Bill Keller -- Angry crowds of East Germans ransack offices of spy service / Serge Schmemann -- Soviet military takes control of Baku : scores of Azerbaijanis killed coup averted Gorvachev says / Bill Keller -- Vote is moved up by East Germans : coalition widened / Serge Schmemann -- Polish communist vote to disband / Steven Greenhouse -- In suspense east germans await capitalism / Serge Schmemann -- West germans assert Gorvachev has cleared way to reunification / Serge Schmemann -- World vote urged by shevardnadze on german unity / Francis Clines -- Gorvachev calls on party to forgo power monopoly : meets hard-line opposition / Bill Keller -- Shadow of eastern europe looms in nightmares of soviet speakers / Bill Keller -- Party maps plan to give Gorvachev broader powers / Bill Keller -- Kohl says Moscow agrees on unity issue / Craig Whitney -- West and soviets agree with 2 germanys on rapid schedule for unification talks : Gorvachev accepts Bush's troop ceiling / Paul Lewis -- Germans move to unite economies : as Khol leads and Modrow follows / Serge Schmemann -- A once-docile azerbaijani city bridles under the kremlin's grip / Bill Keller -- The Germans : Khol stumps as if germanys were one / Serge Schmemann -- Lithuanians vote strongly for independence backers soviet crowds ask change / Bill Keller -- Moscow's maverick with a purpose / Francis Clines -- Reform majorities likely in Moscow and in Leningrad / Bill Keller -- Gorvachev wants Lithuania to pay billions to secede / Bill Keller -- Parliament in Lithuania : 124-0 declares nation independent / Bill Keller -- Parliament votes expanded powers for Soviet Leader / Francis Clines -- Gorvachev takes new post and pledges to speed move toward a market economy / Bill Keller -- In East German army ranks : a headlong farewell to arms / Serge Schmemann -- Mandate for unity "as son as possible" / Serge Shmemann - SPRING 1990 - Gorvachev tells the Lithuanians to turn in arms / Francis Clines -- Moscow forces step up pressure across Lithuania / Esther Fein -- Lithuania offers to discuss a vote on its sovereignty / Francis Clines -- Moscow's forces seize 2 key sites from Lithuanians / Francis Clines -- Yugoslavia holds free vote for firs time since 1940's / Chuck Sudetic -- The armies : as germany reunities east and west seek a system for future security on continet / Serge Schmemann -- Soviets flesh out view on Germany / Craig Whitney -- White house bars a Unitred Germany on both alliances / Thomas Friedman -- Gorbachev warns Lithuania of ban on major supplies / Francis Clines -- Polish free-market planner comes under solidarity fire / Stephen Engelberg -- Gorvachev is said to delay soviet economic "shock therapy" plan / Bill Keller -- Gorvachev urges new economy otherwise "our society will die " / Francis Clines -- Gorvachev jeered at may day rally / Bill Keller -- Soviet´s price on Germany / Serge Schmemann -- Bonn official sees rapid unification / Serge Schmemann -- Germany draw up pact to merge their economies / Serge Schmemann -- Albanian leader says the conutry will be democratized but will retain socialism / David Binder -- Lithuania agrees to suspend laws on independence / Bill Keller -- Gorvachev meets with Lithuanian big step is cited / Bill Keller -- U.S. and soviets close to a pact on 30% cut in nuclear missiles : agree on chemical-arms cubrs / Thomas Friedmann -- Gorvachev offers deal to Lithuania / Esther Fein -- Soviets unveil limited plan toward regulated market / Celestine Bohlem -- Gorvachev issues appeal for clam amid panic buying / Celestine Bohlen -- Yeltsin is elected russian president on 3d-Round vote / Celestine Bohlen -- Summit in Washington : 2 leaders spend day in relaxed talks at camp David / Bill Keller -- Russian republic asserts its laws have primacy over Kremlin Rule / Bill Keller -- Bulgarian voting stuns opposition / Celestine Bohlen -- Gorvachev yields on alliance roles in a New Germany / Bill Keller -- Rumanian miners invade Bucharest / Celestine Bohlen -- Kohl sees ballot by two germanys before end of '90 / Serge Schmemann - SUMMER 1990 - Germanys adopt unity treaty and guarantee poland's borders / Serge Schmemann -- Eurpean leaders back khol's plea to aid soviets / Craig Whitney -- Lithuania agrees to 100-day delay on independence / Bill Keller -- Germans revel as economies unite / Serge Schmemann -- In a leap toward unity, 2 germanys meld currencies / Serge Schmemann -- Soviet comminst convening today on party's future / Bill Keller -- Gorvachev urges a fractius party to pull together / Bill Keller -- NATO allies after 40 years proclaim end of cold war / Craig Whitney -- Shevardnadze says the measures herald a safe future for europe / Bill Keller -- Confronting foes Grovachev keeps party leadership / Bill Keller -- Kremlin maverick leaves the party : more may follow / Serge Shmermann -- Khol sees soviets amid upbeat mood / Serge Schmemmann -- Gorvachev clears way for German unity dropping objetion to NATO membership / Serge Schmemann -- Ukranians declare republic svereign inside soviet system / Francis Clines -- Bowing to the inexorable soviets make the best of new german might / Serge Shmemann -- Soviet smokers vow strikes as cigarettes too / Celestine Bohlen -- Moscow joins U.S in criticizing Iraq / Bill Keller -- U.S and soviets as allies : it´s the first time since 1945 / Bill Keller -- Germanys codify detalis of union / Serge Schmemann -- Soviet agreement reported on plan for free markets / Bill Keller -- Bush and Gorvachev say iraqis must boey U.N and quit kwait / Bill Keller -- Gorvachev endorses a proposal for free enterprise in 500 days / Francis Clines -- A historic moment slips by overtaken by other events / Serge Schmemann - FALL 1990 - Soviet parliament grants Gorvachev emergency power / Celestine Bohlen -- On unity eve subdued mood replaces euphoria / Serge Schmemann -- Evolution in Europe : two germanys unite after 45 years with jubilation and a vow of peace / Serge Schmemann -- Unity in pensive key / Craig Whitney -- Amid many mirages russians feel lost / Celestine Bohlen -- Gorvachev offers his plan to remake soviet economy but includes no timetables / Bill Keller -- For eastern europe now : a new desillusion / Serge Schmemann -- Surprise for western europe : eastern kin come knocking / Craig Whitney -- Soviets adopt emergency plan to center power in Gorvachev and leaders of the republics / Bill Keller -- Bulgarian communist stalwart says he´d do it all differently / Chuck Sudetic -- Kohl's coalition elected to lead unifed germany / Serge Schmemann -- Poland elects Walesa president in Landslide / Stephen Engelberg -- Shevardnadze stuns Kremlin by quitting foreign ministry and warning of Dictatorship / Bill Keller - WINTER 1990 - Tearful Walesa is sworn in as president / Stephen Engelberg -- Gorvachev given direct authority over his cabinet / Bill Keller -- Mourning soviet refom / Bill Keller - SUMMER 1991 - Gorvachev is ousted in an apparent coup by soviet armed forces and hard-liners : accused of steering into a Blind alley / Francis Clines -- Moscow fears it awoke to a nightmare / Celestine Bohlen -- Bush condemns soviet coup and calls for its reversal / Andrew Rosenthal -- Resistance to soviet takeover grows as defiant crowds rally for Yeltsin / Francis Clines -- Bare-fisted russians make their stand / Celestine Bohlen -- Gorvachev says coup will hasten reform : Yeltsin leads the celebration in Moscow / Bill Keller -- Moscow crowds vent anger on communists / Celestine Bohlen -- The icons topple / Henry Kamm -- Gorvachev quits as party head : ends communism's 74-years reign / Serge Schmemann -- Rush towards disunion sperads : Europe embracing baltic independence purge of military / Bill Keller -- Gorvachev pleads but breakaway ares defy him, putting fate of union in doubt / Francis Clnes -- K.G.B once a pervasive power : is quickly being brought to heel / Serge Schmemann -- Soviet leaders press a rebellious Ukraine to remain in the union / Serge Schmemann --Soviets bar communist party activites republics press search for a new order / Serge Schmemann -- After the breakup : e pluribus... what? / Bill Keller -- Epilogue / Michael Kaufman -- INDEX.

Centro de Documentación e Información - Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Pte J. E. Uriburu 950, 6to piso - (C1114AAD) / Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires / Argentina /
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