Everyman's dictionary of economics : an alphabetical exposition of economic concepts and their application

Colaborador(es): Seldon, Arthur [comp.] | Pennance, F. G [comp.]Series (Everyman's Reference Library)Detalles de publicación: London : Dent & Sons, 1965 Descripción: 449 pTema(s): ECONOMÍAGénero/Forma: DICCIONARIOS
INTRODUCTION -- RELATED SJUBJET INDEXES -- READING LISTS -- PERIODICALS -- A : A fortiori -- A shares -- Ability to pay -- Absentee -- Abstinence -- Acceleration principle -- Accelereator -- Accepting house -- Acepting houses committee -- Acount day -- Accounting -- Accounting management -- Active balance of trade -- Active money -- Acton, Lord - actuals -- Ad valorem -- Advance -- Adverse balance trade -- Advertising -- Aggregated rebates -- Agricultural mortgage corporation -- Agricultural support policy -- Alternative cost -- Amalgamation -- Amortization -- Anarchism -- Anarchy -- Annuity -- Applied economics -- Appropiation account -- Aquinas, St. Thomas -- Arbitrage -- Arbitration -- Articles of association -- Associated sciences -- Auction -- Audit office -- Austrian School -- Autarky -- Automation -- Availability -- Average cost -- B -- Babeuf -- Backward countries -- Backward integration -- Backwardation -- Bagehot walter -- Balance of trade -- Balance of payments -- Baltic exchange -- Bank depisits -- Bank for international settlements (B.I.S.) -- Bank interest -- Bank-note -- Bank of England -- Bank rate -- Banking -- Banking school -- Banks clearnig -- Banks industrial -- Banks joint-stock -- Barter -- Bastiat Federic (1801-50) -- Bear -- Bearer securities -- Behaviourist economic laws -- Below the line -- Benelux -- Bentham Jeremy -- Betterment -- Beveridege William Henry (1879-1963) -- Big five banks -- Bilateralism -- Bill Broker -- Bill of exchange -- Bill of lading -- Bill of sale -- Bimetallism -- Black market -- Böhm-Bawerk Eugen von (1851-1914) -- Bounty -- Bourse -- Boycott -- Branch banking -- Brand, Lord (1878-1963) -- Bretton Woods -- Broker -- Brokerage -- Brutzkus -- Bucket shop -- Budget -- Budgetary control -- Buffer -- Building lease -- Building society -- Bull -- Bullion broker -- Bullion market -- Bureaucracy -- Burke, Edmund -- Business cycles -- Buyer´s market -- C -- Cairnes, John Elliot (1823-75) -- Calculation economic -- Call -- Call birds -- Cameralism -- Cannan, Edwin (1861-1935) -- Canons of taxation -- Cantillion Ricard (?-1734) -- Capacity unused -- Capital -- Capital allowances -- Capital gains -- Capital gearing -- Capital goods -- Capital issues committee -- Capital levy -- Capital market -- Capital tax -- Capitalism -- Capitalist accumulation -- Capitalizaton issue -- Cartel -- Cash -- Cash ratio -- Catallactics -- Census -- Census of distribution -- Central bank -- Chamberlein -- Chance -- Cheap money -- Cheque -- Cherry-picking -- Choice -- C.I.F -- Clark, Colin -- Clark John Bates -- Clark John Maurice -- Classical economist -- Clearing house -- Closed shop -- Collective barganing -- Collectivism -- Collusive tendering -- Colonialism -- Combination -- Commerical banks -- Commiteé on public accounts -- Commodity -- Common market -- Common pricing -- Communism -- Company -- Comparative cost -- Comparative statics -- Compensation -- Compensation principle -- Compensatory finance -- Competition -- Complementary goods -- Comte, August -- Conciliaton -- Consolidated fund service -- Consols -- Consumer council -- Consumer durables -- Consumer education -- Consumers´sovereignty -- Consumer´s surplus -- Consumption -- Consumption tax -- Contango -- Contracting out -- Conversion -- Convertibility -- Conveyance -- Co-operative societies -- Co-ownership -- Co-partnership -- Copyright -- Corn exchange -- Corner -- Coprorate state -- Cost -- Cost push -- Coupon -- Cournot Antoine Augustin -- Credit -- Cross-elasticity -- Cost pull -- Cost Push -- Coupon -- Coupon rate on interest -- Cournot, Antoine Agustín -- Cross-elasticity of demand -- Cross-section analysis -- Cum-dividend -- Cunliffe commitee -- Currency -- Currency school -- Current account -- Customs and excise duties -- Customs Union -- Cycle business -- Cycle trade - D - Dated securities -- Days of grace -- Deadweogjt debt -- Dealer -- Debasement (of coinage) -- Debentures -- Debt -- Debt conversion -- Deacresing returns -- Deduction -- Deferred rebate -- Deferred shares -- Deficiency payment -- Deficit -- Deficit financing -- Deflation -- Demand -- Demand cross-elasticity -- Demand pull -- Demarcation rules -- Demography -- Demurrage -- Deposits (bank) -- Depreciation -- Depression -- Derating -- Derivated demand -- Devaluation -- Developing countries -- Developement areas -- Developement district -- Devise -- Dickinson H.D. -- Diminishing marginal utility -- Disminishing retruns --Direc tax -- Discontinuity -- Discount -- Discount house -- Discount market -- Discounting -- Discrimination price -- Discrimination trade -- Diseconomies of scale -- Disequilibrium -- Dishoarding -- Disinflation -- Disintegration -- Dismal -- Distribution -- Dividend -- Division of labour -- Dollar area -- Dollar area -- Dollar gap -- Drawback -- Dumping -- Duopoly -- Dupuit Arsène Jules -- Durable goods -- Durbin -- Dynamic state - E - Earned income -- Earnings yield -- Econometrics -- Economic and social council of the United Nations -- Economic Developement -- Economic Efficiency -- Economic flow -- Economic friction -- Economic grouth -- Economic law -- Economic man -- Economic morphology -- Economic nationalism -- Economic planning -- Economic policy -- Economic power -- Economic rent -- Economic review -- Economic thought -- Economic trends -- Economics -- Economics internal -- Economics externals -- Economies of scale -- Economists austrian -- Economist cambridge -- Economists Keynesian -- Economy Edgewoth, Francis Ysidro -- Efiiciency economic -- Efficiciency technical -- Elasticity of commodity -- Elasticity of demand -- Elasticity of substitution -- Elasticity of supply -- Eliagible paper -- Embargo -- Empiricism -- Employment exchange -- Empty economy -- Engrossing -- Entrepôt -- Entrepreneur -- Equal pay -- Equilibrium -- Equities -- Estate duties -- Estate duties investment trust -- Euler Leonhard -- European coal and steel community -- European free trade area -- European free trade association -- European payments union -- European recovery programme -- Ex ante -- Ex dividend -- Ex post -- Excess capacity -- Express profits duty -- Excess profits levy -- Excess profits tax -- Exchange control -- Exchange equalization -- Exchanges of shares -- Exchequer -- Exchequer accounts -- Exchequer bills -- Exchequer return -- Excise duties -- Executor -- Expectation -- Expenditure tax -- Export multiplier -- Exports -- External economies -- Extrapolation -- F -- Face value -- Factor of production -- Fallacies -- Federal Reserve System -- Finance corportation for industry -- Finance houses association -- Financial statistics -- Fiscal policy -- Fixed trust -- Floating debt -- Floating exchange rate -- Flow econmic -- F.O.B -- Food and agriculture organization -- Forced saving -- Forecasting -- Foreing balance -- Foreing exchange market -- Foreing investment -- Foreing trade multiplier -- Forestalling -- Forward exchange rate -- Free economy -- Free exchanges -- Free goods -- Free trade -- Freehold -- Freight -- Fringe benefits -- Full employment -- Full line forcing -- Funded debt -- Funding Futures -- G -- Galiani Ferdinando -- Games theory -- Gearing -- General agreement -- George Henry -- Gifts ubter vivos -- Gift-edged securities -- Glut -- Gold exchange standard -- Gold reserves -- Gold standard -- Goods -- Goodwill -- Grossen Herman Heinrich -- Goverment broker -- Grading -- Gresham's law -- Gross national product -- Ground rent -- Growthmanship -- H -- Haggling -- Hamilton Alexander -- Hard currency -- Harmony -- Harrod, Sir Roy -- Hawtrey, Sir Ralph George -- Heckscher, Eli F -- Hedonism -- Hegel Georg William Friedrich -- Higgling -- Hire purchase -- Historical method -- Hoarding -- Hobson John A. -- Holding company -- "Hot money" -- Hutchenson Francis -- Hutt W.H. -- Hypothesis -- I - Idle -- Impact -- Imperfect comeptition -- Imperial prefrence -- Imperialism -- Imports -- Imputation -- Inactive money -- Incidence of taxation -- Income determination theory of -- Incomes policy -- Ingreasing returns -- Index number -- Indifference analysis -- Indirect tax -- Individualism -- Indivisibility -- Induction -- Industiral and commercial finance corporation -- Industry structure of -- Infant industries -- Inflation -- If -- Information agreement -- Infraestructure -- Inheritance -- Initial allowances -- Imput-output analysis -- Institute of economic affairs -- Institucionalism -- Insurance -- Insurance broker -- Integration -- Integration lateral -- Interest -- Internal economics -- International Bank for reconstruccion and developement (World Bank) -- International commodity agreements -- International finance corportation -- International investment -- International laour organization -- International monetary fund -- International payments -- International trade -- International trade organization -- Intervention state -- Inventory -- Inventory, investment cycles -- Investment -- Investment allowances -- Investment trust -- Invisible exports -- Irredeemable securities -- Issue borker -- Issuing house - J - Jevons Wiliam Stanley -- Jobber -- Jobber's turn -- Joint demand -- Joint supply -- Journals economic -- Just price -- K -- Kell's directory -- Keynes John Maynard, Baron Keynes -- Knight F.H. -- Kroptokin prince -- L -- Labour --
Lista(s) en las que aparece este ítem: Colección de la familia Giarracca - Teubal
Etiquetas de esta biblioteca: No hay etiquetas de esta biblioteca para este título.

INTRODUCTION -- RELATED SJUBJET INDEXES -- READING LISTS -- PERIODICALS -- A : A fortiori -- A shares -- Ability to pay -- Absentee -- Abstinence -- Acceleration principle -- Accelereator -- Accepting house -- Acepting houses committee -- Acount day -- Accounting -- Accounting management -- Active balance of trade -- Active money -- Acton, Lord - actuals -- Ad valorem -- Advance -- Adverse balance trade -- Advertising -- Aggregated rebates -- Agricultural mortgage corporation -- Agricultural support policy -- Alternative cost -- Amalgamation -- Amortization -- Anarchism -- Anarchy -- Annuity -- Applied economics -- Appropiation account -- Aquinas, St. Thomas -- Arbitrage -- Arbitration -- Articles of association -- Associated sciences -- Auction -- Audit office -- Austrian School -- Autarky -- Automation -- Availability -- Average cost -- B -- Babeuf -- Backward countries -- Backward integration -- Backwardation -- Bagehot walter -- Balance of trade -- Balance of payments -- Baltic exchange -- Bank depisits -- Bank for international settlements (B.I.S.) -- Bank interest -- Bank-note -- Bank of England -- Bank rate -- Banking -- Banking school -- Banks clearnig -- Banks industrial -- Banks joint-stock -- Barter -- Bastiat Federic (1801-50) -- Bear -- Bearer securities -- Behaviourist economic laws -- Below the line -- Benelux -- Bentham Jeremy -- Betterment -- Beveridege William Henry (1879-1963) -- Big five banks -- Bilateralism -- Bill Broker -- Bill of exchange -- Bill of lading -- Bill of sale -- Bimetallism -- Black market -- Böhm-Bawerk Eugen von (1851-1914) -- Bounty -- Bourse -- Boycott -- Branch banking -- Brand, Lord (1878-1963) -- Bretton Woods -- Broker -- Brokerage -- Brutzkus -- Bucket shop -- Budget -- Budgetary control -- Buffer -- Building lease -- Building society -- Bull -- Bullion broker -- Bullion market -- Bureaucracy -- Burke, Edmund -- Business cycles -- Buyer´s market -- C -- Cairnes, John Elliot (1823-75) -- Calculation economic -- Call -- Call birds -- Cameralism -- Cannan, Edwin (1861-1935) -- Canons of taxation -- Cantillion Ricard (?-1734) -- Capacity unused -- Capital -- Capital allowances -- Capital gains -- Capital gearing -- Capital goods -- Capital issues committee -- Capital levy -- Capital market -- Capital tax -- Capitalism -- Capitalist accumulation -- Capitalizaton issue -- Cartel -- Cash -- Cash ratio -- Catallactics -- Census -- Census of distribution -- Central bank -- Chamberlein -- Chance -- Cheap money -- Cheque -- Cherry-picking -- Choice -- C.I.F -- Clark, Colin -- Clark John Bates -- Clark John Maurice -- Classical economist -- Clearing house -- Closed shop -- Collective barganing -- Collectivism -- Collusive tendering -- Colonialism -- Combination -- Commerical banks -- Commiteé on public accounts -- Commodity -- Common market -- Common pricing -- Communism -- Company -- Comparative cost -- Comparative statics -- Compensation -- Compensation principle -- Compensatory finance -- Competition -- Complementary goods -- Comte, August -- Conciliaton -- Consolidated fund service -- Consols -- Consumer council -- Consumer durables -- Consumer education -- Consumers´sovereignty -- Consumer´s surplus -- Consumption -- Consumption tax -- Contango -- Contracting out -- Conversion -- Convertibility -- Conveyance -- Co-operative societies -- Co-ownership -- Co-partnership -- Copyright -- Corn exchange -- Corner -- Coprorate state -- Cost -- Cost push -- Coupon -- Cournot Antoine Augustin -- Credit -- Cross-elasticity -- Cost pull -- Cost Push -- Coupon -- Coupon rate on interest -- Cournot, Antoine Agustín -- Cross-elasticity of demand -- Cross-section analysis -- Cum-dividend -- Cunliffe commitee -- Currency -- Currency school -- Current account -- Customs and excise duties -- Customs Union -- Cycle business -- Cycle trade - D - Dated securities -- Days of grace -- Deadweogjt debt -- Dealer -- Debasement (of coinage) -- Debentures -- Debt -- Debt conversion -- Deacresing returns -- Deduction -- Deferred rebate -- Deferred shares -- Deficiency payment -- Deficit -- Deficit financing -- Deflation -- Demand -- Demand cross-elasticity -- Demand pull -- Demarcation rules -- Demography -- Demurrage -- Deposits (bank) -- Depreciation -- Depression -- Derating -- Derivated demand -- Devaluation -- Developing countries -- Developement areas -- Developement district -- Devise -- Dickinson H.D. -- Diminishing marginal utility -- Disminishing retruns --Direc tax -- Discontinuity -- Discount -- Discount house -- Discount market -- Discounting -- Discrimination price -- Discrimination trade -- Diseconomies of scale -- Disequilibrium -- Dishoarding -- Disinflation -- Disintegration -- Dismal -- Distribution -- Dividend -- Division of labour -- Dollar area -- Dollar area -- Dollar gap -- Drawback -- Dumping -- Duopoly -- Dupuit Arsène Jules -- Durable goods -- Durbin -- Dynamic state - E - Earned income -- Earnings yield -- Econometrics -- Economic and social council of the United Nations -- Economic Developement -- Economic Efficiency -- Economic flow -- Economic friction -- Economic grouth -- Economic law -- Economic man -- Economic morphology -- Economic nationalism -- Economic planning -- Economic policy -- Economic power -- Economic rent -- Economic review -- Economic thought -- Economic trends -- Economics -- Economics internal -- Economics externals -- Economies of scale -- Economists austrian -- Economist cambridge -- Economists Keynesian -- Economy Edgewoth, Francis Ysidro -- Efiiciency economic -- Efficiciency technical -- Elasticity of commodity -- Elasticity of demand -- Elasticity of substitution -- Elasticity of supply -- Eliagible paper -- Embargo -- Empiricism -- Employment exchange -- Empty economy -- Engrossing -- Entrepôt -- Entrepreneur -- Equal pay -- Equilibrium -- Equities -- Estate duties -- Estate duties investment trust -- Euler Leonhard -- European coal and steel community -- European free trade area -- European free trade association -- European payments union -- European recovery programme -- Ex ante -- Ex dividend -- Ex post -- Excess capacity -- Express profits duty -- Excess profits levy -- Excess profits tax -- Exchange control -- Exchange equalization -- Exchanges of shares -- Exchequer -- Exchequer accounts -- Exchequer bills -- Exchequer return -- Excise duties -- Executor -- Expectation -- Expenditure tax -- Export multiplier -- Exports -- External economies -- Extrapolation -- F -- Face value -- Factor of production -- Fallacies -- Federal Reserve System -- Finance corportation for industry -- Finance houses association -- Financial statistics -- Fiscal policy -- Fixed trust -- Floating debt -- Floating exchange rate -- Flow econmic -- F.O.B -- Food and agriculture organization -- Forced saving -- Forecasting -- Foreing balance -- Foreing exchange market -- Foreing investment -- Foreing trade multiplier -- Forestalling -- Forward exchange rate -- Free economy -- Free exchanges -- Free goods -- Free trade -- Freehold -- Freight -- Fringe benefits -- Full employment -- Full line forcing -- Funded debt -- Funding Futures -- G -- Galiani Ferdinando -- Games theory -- Gearing -- General agreement -- George Henry -- Gifts ubter vivos -- Gift-edged securities -- Glut -- Gold exchange standard -- Gold reserves -- Gold standard -- Goods -- Goodwill -- Grossen Herman Heinrich -- Goverment broker -- Grading -- Gresham's law -- Gross national product -- Ground rent -- Growthmanship -- H -- Haggling -- Hamilton Alexander -- Hard currency -- Harmony -- Harrod, Sir Roy -- Hawtrey, Sir Ralph George -- Heckscher, Eli F -- Hedonism -- Hegel Georg William Friedrich -- Higgling -- Hire purchase -- Historical method -- Hoarding -- Hobson John A. -- Holding company -- "Hot money" -- Hutchenson Francis -- Hutt W.H. -- Hypothesis -- I - Idle -- Impact -- Imperfect comeptition -- Imperial prefrence -- Imperialism -- Imports -- Imputation -- Inactive money -- Incidence of taxation -- Income determination theory of -- Incomes policy -- Ingreasing returns -- Index number -- Indifference analysis -- Indirect tax -- Individualism -- Indivisibility -- Induction -- Industiral and commercial finance corporation -- Industry structure of -- Infant industries -- Inflation -- If -- Information agreement -- Infraestructure -- Inheritance -- Initial allowances -- Imput-output analysis -- Institute of economic affairs -- Institucionalism -- Insurance -- Insurance broker -- Integration -- Integration lateral -- Interest -- Internal economics -- International Bank for reconstruccion and developement (World Bank) -- International commodity agreements -- International finance corportation -- International investment -- International laour organization -- International monetary fund -- International payments -- International trade -- International trade organization -- Intervention state -- Inventory -- Inventory, investment cycles -- Investment -- Investment allowances -- Investment trust -- Invisible exports -- Irredeemable securities -- Issue borker -- Issuing house - J - Jevons Wiliam Stanley -- Jobber -- Jobber's turn -- Joint demand -- Joint supply -- Journals economic -- Just price -- K -- Kell's directory -- Keynes John Maynard, Baron Keynes -- Knight F.H. -- Kroptokin prince -- L -- Labour --

Centro de Documentación e Información - Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires

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