Desire : the politics of sexuality

Colaborador(es): Snitow, Ann [ed.] | Stansell, Christine [ed.] | Thompson, Sharon [ed.]Detalles de publicación: Londres : Virago, 1984. Descripción: 429 pTema(s): SEXUALIDAD | FEMINISMO | PROSTITUCIÓN | GÉNERO | INSTITUCIONALIDAD DE GÉNERO | IDENTIDAD DE GÉNERO | IDENTIDAD SEXUAL | HOMOSEXUALIDAD
Preface to the British edition / Rosalind Coward Introduction / Ann Snitow, Christine Stansell, Sharon Thompson SECTION I. Current controversies. Male vice and female virtue : feminism and the politics of prostitution in nineteenth-century Britain / Judith R. Walkowitz The new feminism of Yin and Yang / Alice Echols Feminism, moralism, and pornography / Ellen Willis My mother liked to fuck / Joan Nestle Abortion : is a woman a person? / Elen Willis The fear that feminism will free men first / Deirdre English. SECTION II. The capitalist paradox : expanding and contracting pleasures. Sex and society : a research note from social history and anthropology / Ellen Ross and Rayna Rapp "Charity Girls" and city pleasures : historical notes on working-class sexuality, 1880-1920 / Kathy Peiss Marching to a different drummer : lesbian and gay GIs in World War II / Allan Bérubé Capitalism and gay identity / John D'Emilio
Lista(s) en las que aparece este ítem: Colección de la familia Giarracca - Teubal
Etiquetas de esta biblioteca: No hay etiquetas de esta biblioteca para este título.

Preface to the British edition / Rosalind Coward
Introduction / Ann Snitow, Christine Stansell, Sharon Thompson SECTION I. Current controversies. Male vice and female virtue : feminism and the politics of prostitution in nineteenth-century Britain / Judith R. Walkowitz
The new feminism of Yin and Yang / Alice Echols
Feminism, moralism, and pornography / Ellen Willis
My mother liked to fuck / Joan Nestle
Abortion : is a woman a person? / Elen Willis
The fear that feminism will free men first / Deirdre English. SECTION II. The capitalist paradox : expanding and contracting pleasures. Sex and society : a research note from social history and anthropology / Ellen Ross and Rayna Rapp
"Charity Girls" and city pleasures : historical notes on working-class sexuality, 1880-1920 / Kathy Peiss
Marching to a different drummer : lesbian and gay GIs in World War II / Allan Bérubé
Capitalism and gay identity / John D'Emilio

Centro de Documentación e Información - Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Pte J. E. Uriburu 950, 6to piso - (C1114AAD) / Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires / Argentina /
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