Gerschenkron, Alexander.

Economic backwardness in historical perspective, a book of essays. - Nueva York : Frederick A. Praeger, 1962. - 456 p. - (Prager University Series ; U 584) .

Introduction Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective Reflections on the Concept of "Prerequisites" of Modern Industrialization Social Attitudes, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development Notes on the Rate of Industrial Growth in Italy, 1881-1913 Rosario Romeo and the Original Accumulation of Capital Russia: Patterns and Problems of Economic Development, 1861-1958 Economic Development in Russian Intellectual History of the Nineteenth Century. Annex: Realism and Utopia in Russian Economic Thought, A Review Some Aspects of Industrialization in Bulgaria, 1878-1939 Soviet Heavy Industry: A Dollar Index of Output, 1927-1937 Notes on the Rate of Industrial Growth in Soviet Russia Industrial Enterprise in Soviet Russia A Neglected Source of Economic Information on Soviet Russia Reflections on Soviet Novels Notes on Doctor Zhivago The Approach to European Industrialization: A Postscript Appendix I: Description of an Index of Italian Industrial Development, 1881-1913 Appendix II: Industrialization in Bulgaria, Basic Data and Calculations Appendix III: Problems of Measuring Long-Term Growth in Income and Wealth Index

URSS - Union de Republicas Socialistas Sovieticas